What the game doesn't tell you is that sitting in the summoned chair increases your MP regeneration rate. Summon Chair is such a useless Shard at first glance that even the description questions its own effect.There's also Plan C, which deals enough damage to kill anything in the game several times over, and then kills you 3 seconds later.unless you have something that gives you an extra life, in which case it's a one time use "I win" button as long as you're on your opponent's last form. Examples include the Dead Cat, which grants the player 9 lives but reduces them to one Heart Container (and resets them back to one upon each death.) More trouble than it's worth normally, unless you're playing as ? (who can't collect Heart Containers and has to subsist on Soul Hearts) and The Lost (who's already a One-Hit-Point Wonder.) There's also the Cursed Skull, which ejects you from the room you're in whenever you take a hit and is reviled because getting ejected causes you to lose all your progress in that room, but if it's combined with the Scapular (which grants you 1 Soul Heart upon entering a new room if you're below one heart's worth of normal health) the player becomes unkillable. The Binding of Isaac loves this trope, employing many pick-ups that are nigh-useless except when combined with specific characters or other pick-ups.The Staff can take down even the toughest regular enemies with only a couple of hits, and only its homing function (that renders its shots somewhat unpredictable) prevents it from being completely overpowered. It looks like a toy, and even when fully upgraded, it only fires tiny rainbow-colored musical notes.that hit like a freight train. The Staff is unarguably the least badass weapon in Battle Princess Madelyn.Or, if you are really lucky, you will finish them off by slicing into their neck and pulling it out with a glorious spin.

See that elite-looking guard in massive shining armor that dwarfs normal guards' armor? Let him strike at you and then counter, and you will hit them in the (armored) gut with the soft bristles and proceed to finish them off with an upswing that should merely give your enemy's helmet a dusting. Since all of the counters but the ones that just knock the enemy down are 1-hit kills, the broom becomes insanely powerful.

So, you found a worthless Joke Item after hours of grinding and beating the Superboss at the bottom of the Bonus Level of Hell. J appraising the Noisy Cricket, Men in Black